Note&Rest Calendar
음표와 쉼표를 의미하는 Note&Rest는
어려운 시기에도 일할 때와 잠시 쉬어갈 때를 잘 구분하는 지혜로
건강한 일상을 지키자는 의미를 담은 비’스케이프의
2021년 캘린더 프로젝트입니다.
Note&Rest is B'SCAPE's 2021 calendar design project, which means playing and resting.
If we live with the wisdom to distinguish between hard work and rest, 
It will help to keep a healthy daily life. 
In this difficult time for everyone, we designed this calendar with the hope of people's happiness and health.
Designed by Sanuk 
Illustrated by Jinwook 

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